Dhauladhar Cleaners and The Climate Strike

Over 3 weekends, 75 volunteers, 150 person hours to collect and segregate 300 kgs of waste in Indru Nag region.

Dhauladhar Cleaners and The Climate Strike

Dhauladhar Cleaners in September 2019

Over 3 weekends, 75 volunteers, 150 person hours to collect and segregate 300 kgs of waste in Indru Nag Hill Station.

Beside our weekly Clean Up events, this month we also initiated Climate Strike in Himachal Pradesh with the collaboration the Global Climate Strike (Fridays For Future) Ambassador in Dharamsala, Mr Julian Kragler .

Global Climate Strike which is an ongoing series of Strikes in International level, which demands governments to take action for the drastic climate change.

In Dharamsala different schools and organisations joined Dhauladhar Cleaners forĀ  a peaceful Climate Strike.

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Together we can make a Greener and Cleaner Tomorrow